Saturday, August 29, 2020

Quick Letterboxd Thoughts: Seconds (1966)

 Here's some quick Letterboxd thoughts for SECONDS (1966)

SECONDS is a frightening film exploring how one handles a second chance at life. 

Rock Hudson plays an old man who lived a comfortable and successful life.  However, he never pursued any of his dreams and desires.  Signing up with a “company,” he fakes his death so he can live a younger and more attractive lifestyle (Note: As we all know, never trust a company that wishes to remain anonymous, especially in a science fiction film).  However, a person can never change their essence, even if given a new body - The transition will be filled with consequences.

This film was shot in black in white by the great Jimmy Wong Howe.  I’m glad it was decided not to shoot in color - the imagery wouldn’t have been as effective.  In many ways, the ambience reminds me of early David Lynch.  

Adding in the quick and erratic edits, this film is quite unsettling.  In particular, the transformation sequences are terrifying and gruesome.  This includes the final phase, where Hudson’s gut-wrenching emotions are filmed with disorienting closeups.   Having recently watched RONIN, we see Frankenhiemer’s affinity for wide angle lenses - He can really capture depth of focus, adding multiple layers of action depicting the untrusting “company” watching Hudson’s every move.

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